Gloved Murderess BLU-RAY


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She wears stylish black leather gloves and wields an assortment of sharp and blunt weaponry. She is the Gloved Murderess and the streets are her passage to deliver stunning visual carnage. The dreamer. The pervert. The psychic. The girlfriend. The flatfoot. All will collide with the silent shadowed nightmare. Presenting a modern vision of the classic Italian giallo genre. Soundtrack by Velvet Acid Christ.

-All-new 2K Digital Transfer, presented in its original 2.35:1 aspect ratio for the first time.
-Bonus movie Jenni Caroline's Horror Movie Workout.

2014. Directed by Dustin Ferguson. Stars Jennii Caroline, Breana Mitchell, Lynn Brockman. Serial #: Wave09. 60 minutes. NTSC/Region Free. Manufactured On Demand.